How to close a window that does not close. How to close a frozen browser

  1. 1. Using the cross on the tab
  2. 2. Double click on the tab
  3. 3. Click on the tab with the middle mouse button.
  4. 4. Press the SHIFT button and click on the tab.
  5. 5. By pressing CTRL + W
  6. 6. Use the mouse gesture
  7. 7. Right-click on the tab and select Close.
  8. 8. Using the sidebar
  9. Close all tabs at once
  10. Using Task Manager in Chrome
  11. Chrome multiprocessing architecture
  12. How to quickly close a tab in chrome that does not close
  13. How to quickly close only one tab in chrome hot keys
  14. How to close a page that does not close in Google Chrome method number 2

It's no secret that many things in Opera can be done in several ways. For example, I counted as many as 8 tab closure options and as many ways.

1. Using the cross on the tab

This is probably the most popular way . If there are many tabs open, the cross will be displayed only on the active in this moment tab.

In the settings, you can generally prevent the browser from showing the close button. To do this, press the key combination CTRL + F12 , go to the Advanced tab, then select the Tabs and press the button.

To do this, press the key combination CTRL + F12 , go to the Advanced tab, then select the Tabs and press the button

Uncheck the box and click OK .

Uncheck the box and click OK

2. Double click on the tab

To close tabs double click , you must first enable this option in settings. You can reach it in the same way as in the previous version. Only at the end put a tick near the point.

3. Click on the tab with the middle mouse button.

This method allows you to close any tab, even if it is not current and does not have a close button.

4. Press the SHIFT button and click on the tab.

The option is essentially identical to the previous one.

5. By pressing CTRL + W

A convenient way to close the current tab, if you do not want to reach for the mouse.

6. Use the mouse gesture

Hold down the right mouse button and make it move down and then right. Release the button.

7. Right-click on the tab and select Close.

Right-click on the tab and select Close

8. Using the sidebar

Press F4 on the keyboard to open side panel if it is not yet open. Click the Windows button on the vertical bar.

If it doesn’t exist, click on the “+” sign and put a check mark next to Windows .

In the sidebar, you can close the tabs with the middle mouse button. You can even select a whole group of tabs using the SHIFT and CTRL keys, and then press the DELETE key.

Close all tabs at once

If you need to close all (or almost all) open tabs, you can use one of special teams for the occasion.

  1. Press CTRL + F12
  2. Select last tab Extended
  3. In the block on the left, select last section Control
  4. In the Keyboard Profiles list , select Opera 9.2 Compatible
  5. Click OK

2 Compatible   Click OK

Click right click mouse click on any open tab and in the appeared menu choose one of the following options:

  1. Close all (or press CTRL + ALT + W )
  2. Close everything except active (or press CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + W )
  3. Close all private tabs (no standard keyboard shortcut)

Close all (or press CTRL + ALT + W )   Close everything except active (or press CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + W )   Close all private tabs (no standard keyboard shortcut)

Of course, all the mentioned methods will not allow to close. But so it is conceived. Right?

Also do not forget about the basket, which is located at the top right of the browser window. Tabs get into it after closing. And if you accidentally close a tab, just press CTRL + Z and it will open again.

Note: Starting with the 12th version of the browser, the cart icon has been replaced with a button in the form of a small triangle. In this case, the functions remain the same.

In this case, the functions remain the same

Hope I didn't miss anything? If you have something to add, write in the comments.

Not working properly, you can use Task Manager in Chrome or Windows to force them to close . Chrome uses a "multiprocessor architecture", i.e. processes in it run independently of each other. Thus, problems in one tab should not affect the operation of other tabs or the overall responsiveness of the browser.

In many ways, the task manager functions like a hospital monitor. With it, you can track the effectiveness of internal processes. If the browser is slow, open Task Manager to learn more about each active process and close the process that takes a lot of resources.

Using Task Manager in Chrome

Execute the following actions to open the task manager .

  1. In the dialog box that appears, select the process that you want to close. In the list you will see five kinds of processes.
    • Browser. This process controls all open tabs and windows as well as keeps track of them suspicious activity . Close this process if you need to forcefully end all browser activity.
    • Renderer. Each of the listed tabs and programs corresponds to the renderer process. Close a tab or program if it is not displayed properly.
    • Plugins If a web page uses a special process to display media on a page, this process, also known as a plugin, is displayed in the list. The most common types of plugins are Flash, Quicktime, and Adobe Reader . Close the plugin if you think that the page through it is slow.
    • Expansion All extensions running in the browser in the background are listed.
    • GPU ( graphics processor ). This process controls the renderer graphics display.
  2. Click End Process.

To open the task manager, you can use the Shift + Esc key combination (Windows, Linux and Chrome OS).

Chrome multiprocessing architecture

You may have noticed that in the dispatcher Windows tasks (chrome.exe) or in the Activity Monitor on Mac there are many google records Chrome, because the processes associated with tabs, extensions, web applications and plugins in Chrome are independent of each other. Detailed information You can view various processes in Chrome Task Manager. Thus, the problem with one process does not have negative impact on other processes or on the speed of the browser as a whole. This development is called in Chrome "multiprocessor architecture."

For example, when you browse a site, Chrome uses to process the site’s code and its correct display renderer or visualization system. As the renderer becomes more difficult with time, sometimes pages may crash due to this.

By sharing different processes, Chrome provides the benefits listed below.

  • Efficiency: if the tab crashes or there is a problem on it that stops the renderer, it will not affect other tabs that other renderers use. Browser operation will not be abnormally completed either.
  • Security: each renderer works in isolated software environment . This means that he has almost no direct access to disk, network or display. All his requests must go through the browser process. Thus, the browser monitors any suspicious activity.
  • Performance: modern computers have a few central processing units (CPU). The multiprocessor architecture takes advantage of the performance of such processors. In addition, when you close a tab associated with a renderer, all its memory is returned to the system so that other processes can use it.

On the Internet, as in the life of fraudsters shaft and all the time to appear new, using very clever ways (traps) to deceive.

One of them is installation special scripts not allowing the user google browser Chrome close open tabs.

All attempts to close a tab in chrome are unsuccessful - they are blocked, but this can be done. Below are two ways: using the task manager and hotkeys.

How to quickly close a tab in chrome that does not close

To close the tab in Google Chrome, which does not want to close, you need to run

In it as in the image above, highlight Google chrome and at the bottom click to complete the process.

Only here you will find one unpleasant moment - the browser will close completely, along with all the incoming messages.

How to quickly close only one tab in chrome hot keys

Click in chrome on any place on the page you want to close, and then simply press the keyboard shortcuts CTRL + F4 or CTRL + W on the keyboard.

Also note the following hotkeys. If you press CTRL + T on the keyboard, it will open new inset , CTRL + SHIFT + T - the last one that you slammed opens.

That's all - in the future try to avoid such sites, or better yet, install good antivirus - they block such resources. Successes.

If you often get to sites where you can not close the page, then the solution method, pages that do not close here

So, there are situations when phishing sites that have the form and design from, do not close. Throws out the window, ala “do not leave the site or Boeing 747 crashes into the window” and other nonsense that comes to mind to fraudsters. So, this site (for some reason for now) cannot be closed. You click on the cross or Ctrl + W, and the message appears again.

So the first thing you need to know is the legendary task manager. Combination alt keys + ctrl + del or ctrl + shift + esc

In it, you can always complete a hung program or process.

Open and close your browser. You can have Firefox or Opera in my Google Chrome. But in this way you will close whole google Chrome.

So, press alt + ctrl + del - Task Manager - Details - Select from google list Chrome or your browser and click End Process Tree. This method always works.

How to close a page that does not close in Google Chrome method number 2

The second solution is to complete the process itself directly in Google Chrome. Given that Opera and Firefox are already using Chromium, then everything seems to be the same with these browsers. End the process that does not close by pressing the keys shift + esc or go to Menu - Tools - Task Manager

Find a hung tab or several from the list. shift key and click to complete the process.

All unnecessary ( phishing pages that cannot be closed ) are closed, and we can safely work on

These are the ways to complete a process that cannot be closed. It is so coincidental that this is also how to close the scam page. Google Chrome is actively fighting phishing sites. Honest to say safety in general because of the binding to the phone number came on new level and pirates live a little harder. All the world, let your pages that can not be closed will always be closed and do not interfere with your work!

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