- Recovery tools
- Access recovery
- Other ways to restore access
- People search
- Thank you for sharing the article in social networks!
- Vkontakte search for people - where to start?
- Search for people on VKontakte photo
- How to find VKontakte by id
- We search without registration in a social network
- Other ways
My Page on Vkontakte is a user profile that displays such information about a person as, for example, name, age, religion, favorite movies and books, and so on. Profile access may not be possible by for various reasons For example, if the user lost the password to log in, the account was blocked by the administration of the resource due to complaints from other users, or if spam letters were leaving the page. But don’t be in a hurry to be upset if you ask yourself a question: “how can I find my page in the contact?”, You can find and restore it.
Recovery tools
A prerequisite for restoring access is a phone with a SIM card, the number of which was indicated when linking the page. You will also need a device with access to the network, telephone or computer.
Access recovery
Next, acting according to the instructions on the page, enter your username - that is, the name you used during registration. If you forgot your login, enter your mailbox or mobile phone . After entering the necessary data, the program will ask you to enter a recognition code confirming that you are a real person.
If the login data and code are entered correctly, then your page will open. Congratulations, you were able to find your page in contact!
Other ways to restore access
If the above method does not work, because no data on the page has been saved, then at the bottom of the screen you can find a line pointing to the link.
Go to this address where you will need to enter a link to your profile. If you can't remember your id, it will be useful to know how to search for people in contact at all.
People search
First of all we follow the link vk.com/search. Before you expanded the search window, in the top line, you must enter the last name and first name that you specified when registering the page. On the right, on the side, you can enter parameters that will allow you to narrow the circle of searches, where you can indicate your age, city, school, and more.
When you find your profile in the search, the program will ask you to specify at least any information about yourself that you remember, as well as available telephone number where you can receive codes proving your identity. Access will be returned and you will again have the opportunity to use the social network.
Thank you for sharing the article in social networks!
You want to find someone by name and surname or photos in social network In contact with? We will tell you how to use the search VC, in what ways you can find a person. On this moment almost any person can be found on the social network. You can find your friends, acquaintances, classmates, classmates, colleagues from work and also your relatives and relatives.
You can also find and meet people on the social network. common interests , find accounts of popular stars of show business. Many find their soul mate on social networks.
Vkontakte search for people - where to start?
To begin, you should create your page, that is, in the social network and.
So that your friends can easily find you, fill in all the information about yourself on your page, and indicate where you live.
Search for people on VKontakte photo
Now consider how to search for people by photography on the Internet, the Internet is developing every second. If you are looking for a person from a photo, and he is registered in some kind of social networks, then it will be much easier to find him. If this person does not have a page on social networks, you can find a group of Vkontakte, in which you can leave an advertisement about finding a person.
Go to the search page on the Internet for pictures, you can click on this link:

It happens that next to the photo may be the name of the person, as in the example.
Consider the latter method, this is a search in Vkontakte groups. Offer the news to the group as shown in the picture:
How to find VKontakte by id
First, consider the easiest way - how to find a person in the contact name. If you are registered, log in to your profile and go to the "Friends" section. Next, click on "Find Friends" and in the search bar, enter the last name of the person you are looking for.
If the surname is not common, then among the few options you will immediately find your friend. If the surname is very popular, in addition to her, indicate the name of a friend. And in order not to scroll through many pages in the search for a person, in the panel on the right, indicate some more search parameters.
Referring to the advanced search, specify the country and city of residence of the person, indicate his age (or the range of “from and to”), gender. Narrow search criteria will help you find the right person .
Now we will consider how to find a person on Vkontakte by id-number, i.e. by unique user page number. When a person registers on the network, his page is automatically assigned this number, which is a sequence of numbers. To search, go to your page, and then in the address bar of the browser after vk.com/ specify the required id instead of yours and press Enter. So you will go to the page of the desired user.

It should be borne in mind that each registered VKontakte can change its id, replacing the numbers with a word in Latin. It is done this way: in the profile in the upper right corner, click on the arrow next to the mini-avatar. Choose the item “Settings” and in the line “Address of the page” press “Change”. After the slash, enter the desired address using only Latin letters, numbers or underscore, and click "Change address". Now id does not look like a set of numbers 123456, but, for example, like this: ivanov_ivan.
There is another way to find a person on VK by id without logging in to your profile. To do this, use this service. In the search box, enter the number. And you can enter and only numbers, and a combination of id + numbers. After click "Find." You will automatically go to the page of the desired user. If the id is not composed of numbers, then in the search string, enter the sequence of letters for the profile identifier. The system will transfer you to the desired page.
We search without registration in a social network
If you are not registered on VK and do not want to do this (or cannot), but you need to find a person, you can do it without registering. To do this, go to the home page of the network vk.com. At the bottom of the page there will be a menu, select the “People” section there. The VK page with the search will open. In the search box, specify the name and surname of the person. Press Enter.
Whether it’s lucky to find the right person right away will depend on how common the last name is. If the search yielded hundreds of options, specify additional information in the filters on the right. There are many selection criteria. Among them are a country and a city, gender, age of a person, marital status , information about studies and work, and many others. The more data is known, the more likely that you will find the desired one.

Search for a person in VK depends on known information.
If the search does not justify itself, try to find the supposed relative or friend of the one you need, and then through the contact list you can find the right person.
Found? Go to the page and see last date and the time of his visit. This information is in the upper right corner. It is possible that the page is real, but has long been abandoned. Also, to search without registering in the browser enter vk.com/search. You will get to the same search page as through the “People” section on the main page. Further actions are similar.
Other ways
There are tasks and more difficult, for example, to find a person on VKontakte on a photo. The goals can be different: you have found someone's documents and decided to find the owner, there is a photo of the person you like - you want to find him for acquaintance, etc. To find a person from a photo in VK, use the FindFace.ru service.
You can find the right person VKontakte by uploading his photo on the site or taking a picture using a mobile FindFace applications . The service will offer several options for people from the social network, which will be as similar as possible to the one shown in the picture. With high probability among them will be the desired person.

If you have additional information, also indicate the age range, city and status of the person’s relationships. The list has the most similar people will be at the top, then the personality will be located in descending order of identity. You can also search via Google by image. To do this, click on the camera icon in the search bar. Google will offer to either provide a link to the image, or upload a photo. If a person has this photo installed on the VK avatar, the search will display a link to the page.
You can find a person in contact by phone number. Previously, this was done simply by restoring access to the page, but now this function is not available. But there is a solution. Do the following: take a smartphone on Android and install the official VKontakte application on it from this page or via the Play Store service. Now write in the telephone directory known number. Log in to the VC application. Go to the "Friends" menu. There you will see a plus sign, click on it.

The “Contacts” option will appear. Find friends in the notebook. Confirm the request by clicking "yes". Now all VKontakte users will be highlighted, whose phone is recorded in the directory. new contact and will be the desired person.
Every device on the Internet has its own IP address. There are situations when you need to calculate the IP devices of a person with whom you are communicating on a social network. Directly through the VC can not do it. But there is a way - ask or persuade a person to send you a letter or image on email . If the opponent did not see anything suspicious in this request, then it will be easy to find the ip.
Look at the service data of the sent letter: open the letter and under the address of the sender click on “Letter properties” (in the Yandex.Mail service). Following the link, you will see service information. At the end of the fourth line there will be an IP address consisting of numbers and dots. For example, like this:
And finally, we will look at how to find friends on Instagram from the VKontakte network. To do this, run the Instagram application. Go to the main page of the account. Click on the little icon in the lower right corner. In the page that opens, click on the top menu - three vertical points. The options will open. Find the section “For subscriptions”, and now the link “Find friends with VKontakte”. A list of friends from VK will appear. You can subscribe to some individually or all at once.
Vkontakte search for people - where to start?But don’t be in a hurry to be upset if you ask yourself a question: “how can I find my page in the contact?
Vkontakte search for people - where to start?